
Welcome to the Bluntisham Heritage project website, thank you for showing an interest and visiting our site. 

We are often asked what are looking to include and how we will share our village’s heritage; our aim is pretty straightforward. We live in a village that people find hard to leave once they have either been born here or moved here. In some cases if people have moved away they seem to retain strong emotional ties to the village.

We realized that lots of people have lots of information on the village, be that a relative that lived in your house in 1881 or a memory of the old school fete or playgroup and that there was nowhere to share these memories.  We wanted to provide a forum where this information could be shared and made available to everyone digitally wherever they were. We decided to link the past to present in a digital archive that can be maintained and added to going forward. In thirty years’ time the year Six pupils who are leaving the school will be 40 and they are creating the history of Bluntisham today, when Lily Norman becomes Prime Minister in 2055 we will rightly claim her as one of our own. 

We understand that not everyone is online, and we want to include as many people as we can and that is why we are having a series of open mornings to run through where we are to date and what information people are contributing. Everyone is welcome and the same goes to anything that they want to share – be that the cricket team line up in 1995, the closure of the railway in the 1960’s or the playgroup in 1980, its all relevant and we want to gather and share as much and as varied information as we can. 

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